Git stats – LOC per author in the current head

So suddenly I am fluent in awk. Well, this is unexpected!

I've been working on one of my projects for quite a while and today I got interested in how much code I actually produced, so I wrote a little script to generate that statistic:

#! /bin/bash
# List the amount of code per author in the current HEAD

git ls-files "$@" | xargs -l1 git blame -s -- | awk '
  function get_author(commit) {
    author = commit_map[commit]
    if (author == "") {
      cmd = "git show -s --pretty=format:%ae " commit 
      cmd | getline author
      commit_map[commit] = author
    return author

    author = get_author($1)
    counter[author] = counter[author] + 1
    if (counter[author] % 500 == 0)
      print($1 " -> " author " -> " counter[author]) | "cat >&2"

  END {
    for (author in counter) {
      print counter[author] " " author
' | sort -n | column -t

Github Gist

This lists the files in the current head, git-blames each of those and runs the result through AWK. Awk does the author lookup (caches the result in an associative array) and then amount of lines for each author in another associative array. Finally the result is being printed, sorted and formatted.

Fri Aug 2014 02:08 UTC


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